How To Know If You Need A Confined Space Rescue Team
How To Know If You Need A Confined Space Rescue Team
July 14, 2022 |
Confined spaces are hazardous by nature and are not suitable for continuous occupancy. However, confined spaces are still necessary for some factories as well as other workspaces. If your company deals with chemical tanks, process vessels, sewers, tunnels, boilers, and any other similar spaces, your business may be legally required to have access to a confined space rescue team. If you are unsure whether or not you need such a team, we have listed several questions that can help you come to a decision.
Do You Need a Confined Space Rescue Team?
If your company has a confined space that requires a permit, then it may be required by OSHA for you to have your own confined space rescue team. You can also determine whether or not you need to have one. Just think about whether your own workers are able to render rescue services should a confined space worker be unconscious. If you are not able to perform the rescue without entering the space, then a confined space rescue team is definitely needed on site.
Should You Train Your Own Workers or Outsource the Service?
Many companies outsource the rescue service as it helps to save them money. If your business has the necessary financial resources and you are looking to provide immediate response in case of an emergency, investing in staff training is highly recommended. This is especially crucial if your confined space has a hazardous IDLH atmosphere that forced air ventilation cannot eliminate.
Having your own rescue team will ensure that your workers know exactly what are the proper response procedures to take in confined spaces that can potentially entrap or engulf, or in spaces where it may become tough to safely remove a worker who has become unconscious. Proper training will also ensure that your standby rescue team can respond to an emergency promptly, which is ideally less than five minutes. Your rescue team will also need to be trained to react accordingly should the emergency become more challenging.
What Are the Penalties for Violations?
It is required by OSHA for companies to have a confined space rescue team on standby at every entry of a confined space that requires a permit. In 2016, the penalties for violations have been adjusted for inflation. For any company that is found guilty of violations, the business may be fined $126,000 or more.
If you want your company to be safe from any violation, it is indeed advisable to invest in training. Rescue Solutions offers rescue training for companies from both the industrial and fire service sectors. Our classes can be custom-tailored to the policy procedures of your company so your workers will receive training that is specific to your industry. You can also choose the specific timing of the training that will be conducted according to your employees’ schedules. We also provide high-quality rescue equipment that can be packaged according to the needs of your safety or rescue team. Our team will help you select the most suitable equipment that offers your team maximum safety and efficiency.